Benefits of using Cloud-Based Phone System for your Business


For all small and medium-sized businesses, establishing an effective communication channel with prospects, vendors, customers, and partners is essential. A small team working remotely is likely to find the combination of emails, text messages, and phone calls too much to handle. This is the reason on-site phone infrastructure is becoming less popular. Most companies, regardless of their size are opting for web-based communication options which have proven to be more cost-effective and flexible.

In addition to all the standard features business owners expect from their company phone systems, a cloud-based phone system can take advantage of its online nature to provide unique benefits to your company. Phone over the internet is one of the unique features that a contemporary phone system can’t offer. It allows the users to make calls right from a web browser. Here is why you should use a cloud-based phone system such as Cloud Call.

You no longer need an IT team

Subscribing to a highly reliable cloud-based phone service provider eliminates the need to have an in-house infrastructure. That means your company doesn’t need an entire communications IT team to maintain your phone line.

The cloud-based phone service provider can take care of everything including hosting, regular updates, and maintenance. No need to hire a technical contractor to set up a phone system or monitor your company’s phone lines and systems.

Call or receive calls even when away from the office

As long as you can access the internet, cloud-based phone option facilitates an entire phone-functionality anywhere. This creates convenience for both small and medium-sized businesses with different teams in different locations. You can also change your system user settings for voice messages and be able to browse your business’s call activity from any location.

Note that hosted PBX and VoIP service providers also offer excellent mobile apps that allow your workers to access the phone system from their tablets and smart phones. Thus all your remote team members can easily collaborate effectively to share files, exchange text messages, schedule conference calls, and most importantly, manage their phone settings

Cloud-based phone systems are cost-effective

The top objective for any business organization is to make profits, and one way of achieving this objective is minimizing the operational costs without compromising the quality of your services. Note that a traditional phone system requires an upfront investment and also regular maintenance. Cloud-based phone system doesn’t require any upfront investment. It allows you to pay as you go and the cost depends on the actual needs of your company.


One of the top benefits of these phone systems is that it’s easier for your business to scale it up. Indeed, you can add new direct numbers or extensions with just a few clicks. Thus, cloud-based phone systems are straightforward communication channels and can be configured for mobile devices or computers.

According to experts, cloud-based phone systems give both small and medium-sized businesses an edge. These systems are easy to use and highly cost effective. They allow companies to deliver faster and better output than businesses using traditional phone systems.