Essential Features in WordPress Hosting Over VPS Hosting


VPS Server Hosting and WordPress Hosting are different. With an unmanaged VPS service, the responsibility of the hosting company is limited to the physical server and its online availability. Except for the initial installation of the operating system, the server owner is responsible for the maintenance, updating, security, and installation of a control panel and software. And beware that when we say software, we don’t just mean WordPress or Joomla!

The owner of the server will also have to install the necessary software, ie, libraries, and operating systems. Technical support is restricted to failures and hardware outages, and you will have to take care of protecting your data. If you want to do something, you will have to do it yourself.

Here are some key features of WordPress Hosting over VPS:

#1 Technical Support from minute 0

Having a quality service, either by e-mail or telephone, will save you wasted time and useless efforts. If you already have a domain name, professional WordPress Hosting support team will help you transfer it. If you already have a website under WordPress, they perform the migration so that your project never ceases to be operational.

Above all, they help you every day with any small technical problems you may have with your WordPress.

#2 Data transfers

Data transfer is the number of bytes that are exchanged between the server and the users. This includes everything. When I say everything, they are visits, uploads, and downloads of files, uploading images, sending and receiving emails, using FTP, installing plugins, and theme. Usually, many WordPress hosting offers unlimited transfers.

Well, the “unlimited thing” does not exist. What this means is that they will not limit your data transfer, so that your site will not be suspended and will not work once it has been contracted in your plan. Of course, you must monitor problems of spam and Malware code injection, which are the ones that consume many resources.

#3 Storage capacity

Don’t fall short, but don’t pay more if you need less. The important thing is that your provider allows you to grow and expand space immediately once you need it. Today, it is possible with VPS Server Hosting and WordPress Hosting.

#4 Webmail Transfer Capacity

This is closely linked to what we discussed earlier in the data transfer. The best WordPress hosting providers that offer professional services no longer count this consumption within the hosting plan. We know that mail consumes a lot of bandwidth when we start sending files. However, if you find a provider that does not put bandwidth limitations in the mail, it will be much better.

#5 Extra Security

Security is one of the fundamental pillars to build a reliable website. Security is aprimary concern and the most significant cause of economic losses in companies. Do not buy hosting from a provider that does not guarantee your firewall to avoid bruises by brute force, antivirus and antimal ware service, Mod Security and latest versions of PHP. Otherwise, you will save many problems and inactivity of your website.

#6 Backups

Regardless of whether you make periodic copies of your site, look for a provider that makes them at the server level. If so, in one or two hours at most, they can restore your site to a problem of any kind. Especially of the contents and databases, the most difficult to recover when irreversible damage occurs,

Final Thoughts

If your plan has some or all of these services, you can conclude that you have a managed WordPress Hosting. However, it is essential to remember that when buying your plan, all these features are negotiable. If you decide to what extent the resources, the hosting provider takes care of your server. Just remember that the more you do, the more expensive the service will go.

If you are currently looking for a cheap VPS Hosting and WordPress Hosting, don’t forget to checkout HostingRaja. Over there, you will find a Black Friday sale on all hosting plans.