Phone Lookup


The meaning of Number Lookup is in simple terms.

HLR (Home Location Register) lookup is a mobile phone lookup ( or an online phone validation tool) that connects a central database (on the operator’s side) to get information about each GSM core network user who has been permitted to use the service.

In recent years, lookup inquiries have been more valuable in marketing and initiatives based on mobile phone numbers. Companies have utilized automated validation and status checks of mobile numbers in databases to improve procedures and cut costs.

Input Method: Sync or Async

Users may accomplish an effective Number Lookup in one of two methods. Synchronous number lookups are done through HTTP API when a client requests it. The main point with this form of lookup is that if you do several number lookups, you’ll have to wait until every single lookup is finished. Queues may form if a long list of numbers has to be examined.

On the contrary, asynchronous Number Lookup, performed over a specific notify URL supplied by a customer, works differently. Send as many demands as you wish, and they will all be handled at once. You’ll get a notice to notify as soon as the providing company gets it. Based on the operator, you’ll obtain the complete bulk list all at once, and occasionally it’s possible to get each number by itself. If you have many phone numbers in your database or various databases, this may be pretty useful.

Save response time

When using asynchronous REST HTTP API to search up numbers, the answer is provided when each request is made, regardless of whether it is single or bulk. Although the variants should display the answer in only a few seconds, the duration between submitting a query and getting a reply might be delayed by different difficulties. For example, mobile providers have a restricted amount of questions that they can complete in a defined period. This fact makes the reply transmission longer, as you have to wait for the request of the final number to be completed before you can obtain a reply for the total Lookup request.

Because of the ability to receive notifications in real-time, the pace of an asynchronous API is increased. What is unique in this scenario (other than speed) is that this variant is a little harder to integrate since the call-back server is necessary on the customer side to parse the answer with the specific request. Our customers are urged to set up a safe firewall to safeguard their data since it is of the highest significance.

The most prevalent use scenarios are:

  • Scanning for active/inactive numbers
  • Supplying the facts on the numbers in roaming
  • Verifying the portability of a cell phone number
  • Determining the ideal path for SMS and Voice communications
  • The kind of number (e.g., land-line, machine-to-machine, mobile, etc.)

Particular providers offer three basic service packages, so you may pick the one that best suits your company:

  • Identify underused and inactive numbers using our Database Cleaning product, which is tailored for businesses with many databases.
  • Portability: Developed to tackle number portability difficulties for different. This package provides real-time number portability lookups to enhance message and voice routing. It covers all the capabilities of the Database Cleaning bundle.
  • Roaming: Designed primarily for the benefit of financial clients, this package includes information about roaming that clients may use for various purposes, including better routing and reducing the risk of ATM fraud.

Phone number validation will assist you in learning more about your user base, their habits, and the format of phone numbers so that you don’t get any unsolicited calls from them. Client delivery statistics might reveal substantial discrepancies between the number of promotional messages you sent and how many were delivered once you sent them out to your database. Before launching any advertising, it’s a good idea to go over and clean up your database to avoid wasting money. Enhancing the reliability and cost-efficiency of mobile efforts is crucial when you have an extensive user database since it saves you more money.