create a free website on the Internet


Every day we visit many different websites for different purposes. But have you ever thought about creating your own free website ?!

What stands in the way of most of us doing this is the beginning step and the questions we don’t get clear answers to: How will I start? How much does it cost me to create a private site? Can I do it myself?

Creating a free website seems like a daunting task, especially if you have no previous experience on the web. To be sure, designing a large site takes days, weeks, and possibly months of hard work. So we’re happy to let you know that you can create a free website in several steps, and we’ll try to simplify it as much as possible in the next lines. So plan well for your site as it may be under construction in the next few minutes.

Create a free website

To do this, you must follow the instructions provided, and you will find that things are simple and do not need all the complexity you envisioned.

Create a free website creation service

Choose the type of site you want to own: The type of site determines which hosting service you should search. Where hosting services vary, some specialized blogs and others encyclopedias and so on

Look for a free website creation service: you have a lot of options available, but you should choose correctly and compare the different features of each. Keep in mind, however, that they typically place different ads on your site, and that your site’s address will represent a subdomain of the host site. Here are some of the most popular free website creation services

Wix: The world’s number one platform, serving millions of sites around the world, and is an unrivaled content management system. The reason for its popularity is the huge range of high-quality templates it offers, as well as the abundance of design tools and other features that can show your site in the best way.

WordPress: One of the most popular content management systems, it is also widely used for simple blogs and sites, but it is not the best choice for those who do not have any skills in web design. Statistics show that it occupies about 27% of existing websites.

Drupal: A well-known content management system, and many sites are based on it, running about 2.3% of sites from blogs to government and political sites.

Wikiais now known as FANDOM.

As well as a variety of webs, Angelfire, and Google Sites.

Compare the features of each service: Each host offers a different set of services and most require the amount of uploaded data allowed to upload to your site. Determine the needs of your site before choosing the hosting service to make sure that it meets the needs of all of your site, especially if you are thinking of creating an e-store, the requirements for e-stores are rather strict.

Choose a theme that fits your site’s needs carefully. Some online markets allow for the purchase of these templates such as Theme Forrest.

Calculate overhead: Although the service is free, the company needs financial support to continue providing these services. You will be encouraged to develop features and services that will force you to pay later, so be sure to consider the material cost you will need.

Create the site

Create a new account

Some sites allow you to register with a social account, but you can also register with your email.

Choose the appropriate domain name

You can create a subdomain for the primary domain of the host site for free, at a specific cost. If you would like to purchase base domains, you will have to pay an annual fee.

Now the design process

Start by designing your website and uploading the content you want to add to it. This process takes longer

Publish your site

Congratulations You can now enjoy having a free website and you will always be able to update your site permanently and add the appropriate topics and marketing it optimally to achieve the desired purpose.

The boot process

The most important question is whether the creation of a free website is enough for its success ?! The answer is certainly not. In fact, this process is only a small part of the site development process. Check out some mechanisms that will help you optimize your website and market it well:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Adjusting and optimizing your website’s visibility in search results, based on an understanding of how search engines work. This process helps your site appear in the first results in Google search, thereby boosting your brand.

Content quality: Make sure your content is regularly updated and don’t forget that content quality is very important. Do not publish any content solely for the purpose of updating the content, and make your content unique and non-duplicate in other sites, which enhances the position of the site.

Social Networking: Social media is important to your site’s success.

Now we have put in your hands the easiest, shortest and least expensive way to create a free website and just go to a content management system and go


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