Is it Possible to Sell Used Books on Amazon


If you are familiar with Amazon’s history, then you know that it wasn’t started as a marketplace. The website was started by Jeff Bezos in the 90s in a garage as a virtual bookstore. In the last thirty years, AMZ has achieved quite a lot. Presently, Amazon is among the most profitable enterprises and the largest online marketplace globally.

If you’re planning to start selling used books on AMZ, you should have confidence that it actually works, given the websites’ history as a virtual bookstore. One of the most popular categories on Amazon is the Books category.

Reading is a big part in many peoples’ lives even presently; it’s an everyday experience for many human beings. We are continuously yearning and searching for knowledge and it can only be quenched by reading, be it digital or physical. Even though the manner in which books are consumed, read, and published has already revolutionized and changed because of modern technology, most of the strategies on how vendors can sell used books remain the same.

Is it Profitable Selling Used Books on Amazon?

As an online vendor, it’s important to know if selling used books on Amazon is worth your time, energy, and money. Presently, reading is an important aspect to many people than ever before. eMarketer has stated that approximately sixty percent of the total videos, music, and books sold globally are purchased online. It’s a fact that the reading culture is growing stronger by the day.

The COVID-19 pandemic has made people to stay indoors, giving them more time to read; selling used books on AMZ is now more attractive than ever! Many people are now trying and learning new things. At the same time, teachers that can help them aren’t as accessible. Thus, learning and reading through books is now a popular avenue for learning new crafts and hobbies.

Besides that, another reason why you should sell books on Amazon is that many people read for leisure. Young people have been exposed to TV series, movies, and games that have come from books; they are now passionate about reading the original material. Titles such as Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, The Lord of The Rings, and The Witcher are some of the winners in Amazon’s fantasy genre.

Most of the upcoming releases are constantly in demand even with COVID-19 hard economic times; this means that you can never go wrong in selling books on Amazon. Remember that the Books category is in the top 10 list of the most profitable and popular categories on AMZ. So, if you are wondering if selling books on AMZ is profitable, the answer is ‘YES’!

Amazon’s Book category has been consistently a top performer since the inception of the website as a virtual bookstore. Selling used books is a reliable and consistent source of income in many marketplaces, Amazon included.

If you are interested in learning more on how you can benefit from selling used books on Amazon, please visit for more details.